I have been asked alot lately what is this msflights military thing and my answer is "i really dont kno from what i can see its either tac pack stuff or carrier stuff"
so can someone possibly clear a few things up so i can inform people correctly and also so people can read it here:
Thanks in advance for the info and hope this gets rid of some of the confusion im seeing on the teamspeak server.
I love seeing our members put together stuff like this keep it up!
so can someone possibly clear a few things up so i can inform people correctly and also so people can read it here:
- Is this a virtual Airforce running mock missions or just tac pack and carrier ops?
- Do you require any special skill set or software to join?
- Do you have regular events or just when real world activities allow?
- What server is this running on?
- Who is the main guy to go to if i want more info?
Thanks in advance for the info and hope this gets rid of some of the confusion im seeing on the teamspeak server.
I love seeing our members put together stuff like this keep it up!