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A Letter From Exile: Explaining My Prolonged Absence

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  • A Letter From Exile: Explaining My Prolonged Absence

    Hey there everyone, it's Gimpy. I just wanted to check in and convince everyone that I am still alive (the cake is a lie though). I'm treating this like a letter from exile because at the moment, it sort of is. I had to pick up a 7th class this semester. I'm now on campus between 9 and 11 hours everyday of the week except Friday, I'm working weekends also.

    But wait...THERE'S MORE!!! A week or so into the semester my home laptop decided that it wanted to spend over 4 hours repairing it's disk and attempting to recover files. It still works, but as a safety measure, I am only turning it on when I absolutely have to. Fortunately, it decided to mess up THE DAY AFTER my surface RT tablet showed up in the mail, so I can still get my school work done. However I cannot fly, use teamspeak, or listen to the several hundred dollars worth of music on my laptop...

    For the above reasons, I will not be around for quite a long time. June/July maybe, as I've decided that since I now have ample reason to build a new PC, I will. But that is going to take time, and a lot of money. Since I'm a college student working part-time, the money part is presently the largest hurdle. Unless the magical, mystical, mythical "Monetary Fairy" decides to grace me with her presence (and about a grand and a half), I'm gonna be a ghost. Hopefully the cool kind of ghost that you all tell cool stories about to the newbies.

    On a positive note, so far I seem to be doing exceptionally well in my coursework. I have my first major astronomy exam tomorrow, and I'm appropriately terrified, but I'm doing very well otherwise. I'm even going to visit the maritime academy I'm trying to transfer to soon! Above all, I'm healthy, things are working like they usually do, and the weather ain't half bad. With a bit of luck, and an exuberant amount of patience, I will be flying with you all again soon. Maybe I'll go get a bluetooth headset and buy the TS app too.
    When God finally says, "King, my office. Now!" I want to go barreling in there half spun out with holes in my clothes, smoke rising from me, and my hair in a mess. I want to be busy. I don't want to go explain myself and not have a great story to go along with it.

  • #2
    We shall be here when you get back! Hope to see your name check in and out here on the forums at least! Take it easy gimpy!


    • #3
      I think he is just making excuses when he really is off poking his stick at other guys.....

      Hope to see you again when you get back


      • #4
        Originally posted by Razor View Post
        I think he is just making excuses when he really is off poking his stick at other guys.....

        Hope to see you again when you get back
        Now wait a minute Razor. Just because I'm taking fencing doesn't mean I exclusively point my foil at other men. In fact, I'll have you know that there are two particularly pretty girls in my class. I went to lunch with both of them, at the same time. Furthermore, one of them wants to go grab a beer. So there. Women love a guy that's skilled with his blade. Hahaha. I'll be back soon guys. Take care.
        When God finally says, "King, my office. Now!" I want to go barreling in there half spun out with holes in my clothes, smoke rising from me, and my hair in a mess. I want to be busy. I don't want to go explain myself and not have a great story to go along with it.


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