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A Special Edition of Thoughtful Thursdays!!!

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  • A Special Edition of Thoughtful Thursdays!!!

    To those of you that don't know about or don't read my weekly Thoughtful Thursdays With Gimpy blog, you might want to tune in. Those of you that do, thanks. I've been asked to share the stories of my weekend adventure in helping and working with SWAT teams during a major yearly training exercise and competition. I'm also going to share some pictures! I had a blast! I got blasted, (with simunitions) and IT...WAS...AWESOME!!! I hope you all read it. It'll be up in the next couple hours or so.
    Muchas gracias,
    When God finally says, "King, my office. Now!" I want to go barreling in there half spun out with holes in my clothes, smoke rising from me, and my hair in a mess. I want to be busy. I don't want to go explain myself and not have a great story to go along with it.

  • #2
    I read weekly, Gimpy. I've hesitated to blog comment 'cause I fear the idle thoughts and musings I might share publicly on your blog could not keep up with, is not on par with and would kinda detract from the eloquently expressed subject contributions I already read below your original posts.

    Pilots, I attempt to convince you that Gimpy's blogs are well worth the read. Gimpy's blog style seems to welcome on-topic comments. Were the position not already held by D-1Y, Dave Oney (apparently long lost to "World of Tanks"), I would nominate Gimpy for Poet Laureate based on these and other thought provoking prose and postings.
    Respects, Bob ...


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