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Wonders of the World!

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  • DeathseekerDXC
    Wonders of the World - MACHU PICCHU, PERU

    Tonight we will be flying to Machu Picchu, Peru! As I'm sure you know, this is a mountainous area, so you will need an aircraft that is good at climbing and maintaining at least 150kts at 10,000ft. I recommend the Turboprop genre for this flight. No jets! We will be taking off some time between 7:00PM EST (UTC -5:00) and 7:30PM EST (UTC -5:00). If you are running a little late to the flight, just jump in behind someone already in the air. Once again, I apologize for the extremely late posting.

    See you in South America!


    FLIGHT PLAN: SPHY --> Machu Picchu, Peru(S13°9.22' W72°34.15') --> SPZO


    Last edited by DeathseekerDXC; January 18, 2014, 12:02 AM.

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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied
    No problem can't wait!

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  • DeathseekerDXC
    Good afternoon,

    I apologize for being so late about posting the flight plans for tomorrow's "Wonders of the World" flight. I have just been insanely busy this week. I promise that I will have the flight plans posted before the flight tomorrow, and I just want to clarify with everyone that we will be flying tomorrow. Don't worry, I will make up for my tardiness by planning a very entertaining flight to a very interesting place...


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  • Cesar82Pilot
    Woww, those chopters on the water LOL!!

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  • Novawing24
    Evening all,

    just a couple of shots of what happens to a Grumman goose when Merlins get excited

    Thanks DeathseekerDXC, had a blast!

    See you all in the skies soon!



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  • DeathseekerDXC
    Wonders of the World - GREAT BARRIER REEF

    It is almost Friday, and I think that it is time for me to tell you where we will be flying next. Our next flight will be to the Great Barrier Reef. The aircraft of choice will be in the water plane genre(No jets!). Since we will be flying close to the water you won't have to worry about choosing an aircraft that will do well at high altitudes. Also, because this flight ends when WarHawk's flight is beginning, we will need to be fast, so I intend to take off at 7:00 PM on the dot. The cruising speed will be whatever speed is needed to be able to reach our final destination before 9:00 PM(probably around 150kts).

    See you this Friday at 7:00pm EST(UTC-05:00)!


    (IF IT DOES NOT DOWNLOAD: Just select all(CTRL A), copy(CTRL C), and paste(CTRL V) into a preexisting .PLN file that you don't care about. Select and delete all of the text in the preexisting .PLN file before you paste.)


    Google Map:

    Last edited by DeathseekerDXC; January 9, 2014, 08:03 PM. Reason: Added a link to a .PLN

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  • WarHawK
    The tomorrow kind :P

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  • yohiyoyo
    what friday?

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  • WarHawK
    what will you fly?

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  • DeathseekerDXC
    Our first "Wonders of the World" flight will be to the Grand Canyon. I have posted links to a SkyVector of the flight, and a Google map with a more realistic flight path. I am leaning towards bush planes being the ideal genre for this flight, because some of the airports are...well, more dirt than pavement. Our cruising altitude will be between 10,000 feet and 12,500 feet, and some of the airports are at high altitudes. Whatever plane you choose must be able to take off at high altitudes, and no jets please. This is a scenic flight, not a race. The plane that you choose will also have to meet the target speed of 100 kts. I also have a .pln file that I created, and it will most likely be posted in TeamSpeak on the day of the flight. The last airport is a dirt strip, so...good luck to anyone not in a bush plane.

    Have a Happy New Year, and see you on Friday at 7:00pm EST(UTC-05:00)!

    FLIGHT PLAN: KPGA --> KGCN --> L25


    Google Map:


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  • WarHawK
    You can take this Friday, and we can transition this flight to a more comfortable time slot for all parties. I was under the impression it was just this Friday, allowing me to take a 1 week break.

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  • DeathseekerDXC
    The more input, the better.

    Originally posted by Coast View Post
    I really haven't seen any post by WarHawk saying the Friday night state hops are over, just that he is taking a break from them NEXT Friday.

    State hopes may NOT be over since we have the option to widen our scope of the state hops to include

    1. Doing a different set of airports/aircraft and re-running the entire 50 state series over again.

    2. Expanding to all North America, or adding a themed state hop series (name your theme), or BIG city airliner state hops, or follow the raliroad tracks bi-plane state hop, or visit all the state captitals state hop, etc.

    3. We could also add the US territories to out state hops. We have already done Puerto Rico.

    You see my point here. Friday night has traditionally been the most popular time for group flights, and the state hops are almost iconic here. I think we need to to get some MORE community input before committing to a new series for THAT NIGHT. If you would like to fill an OPEN time slot that would be different.


    That is why I want to hear from the community about this before we have a conflict. I already scheduled for 12 weeks, and Friday evenings are really the only time that I will be available. Let's see how next Friday goes, and then we can determine what the future plans should be.


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  • Cesar82Pilot
    Tell me when you plan to visit the Panama Canal We could do a challenge that i posted here some time ago

    Im not dead, just bankrupt for the moment for all who remember me haha!!!

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  • Coast
    Originally posted by DeathseekerDXC View Post
    I would like to do a series of 12 flights for 12 of the wonders of the world. I was hoping that these could briefly take the place of where the weekly state flights were. Let me know if this is something that is "doable".

    If after these 12 flights a majority wishes to continue, I will continue on with some of the other 9 wonders of the world.

    I will be posting the information for the first flight as we near that date.

    I really haven't seen any post by WarHawk saying the Friday night state hops are over, just that he is taking a break from them NEXT Friday.

    State hopes may NOT be over since we have the option to widen our scope of the state hops to include

    1. Doing a different set of airports/aircraft and re-running the entire 50 state series over again.

    2. Expanding to all North America, or adding a themed state hop series (name your theme), or BIG city airliner state hops, or follow the raliroad tracks bi-plane state hop, or visit all the state captitals state hop, etc.

    3. We could also add the US territories to out state hops. We have already done Puerto Rico.

    You see my point here. Friday night has traditionally been the most popular time for group flights, and the state hops are almost iconic here. I think we need to to get some MORE community input before committing to a new series for THAT NIGHT. If you would like to fill an OPEN time slot that would be different.


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  • DeathseekerDXC
    started a topic Wonders of the World!

    Wonders of the World!

    I would like to do a series of 12 flights for 12 of the wonders of the world. I was hoping that these could briefly take the place of where the weekly state flights were. Let me know if this is something that is "doable".

    If after these 12 flights a majority wishes to continue, I will continue on with some of the other 9 wonders of the world.

    I will be posting the information for the first flight as we near that date.


    Last edited by DeathseekerDXC; January 8, 2014, 12:17 AM.
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